Karriere bei xy

Kurz und knapp

As early as 1971, Ed Needham, the founder of the Beaver Manufacturing Company asked himself how textile fibers could be modified in such a way that they retain their advantages but open up completely different areas of application through additional novel properties. Since then, by combining excellent research and high-tech manufacturing, Beaver Manufacturing Company has worked together to develop solutions that, with every fiber, set new standards in innovation and sustainability in the automotive, engineering, telecommunications and many other industries. With the result that today, as a family-owned group of companies, we have international development and production facilities and can respond directly and quickly to individual market requirements on site at our customers in over 50 countries. In this way, with every thread we manufacture, we help our customers bring new products to market that make our world not only more sustainable, but also safer.

  • done
    Sichere und langfristige Arbeitsplätze
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    Vielseitige und anspruchsvolle Aufgabengebiete
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    Leistungsgerechte Vergütung
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    Umfangreiche Weiterbildungsmöglichkeiten
  • done
    Ein partnerschaftliches Arbeitsklima

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